Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sprouts have sprung

Our garden is growing and beautiful little sprouts are all over the beds. It is exciting to see the seeds planted become actual green plants. I love the bright, "new" green of sprouting plants and leaves. It's such a cheerful green as shown in the lima bean sprouts above. The limas (also known as butter beans here in the South) are probably my favorite sprouts in the garden. There's just something about those leaves shooting out of a giant seed. It almost seems as though the stem shouldn't be able to support a seed that size. It does and they are growing taller each day.

Also growing taller each day are the sugar snap pea sprouts. To me, it is very interesting to see the many shapes and sizes that different plants can sprout. The sugar snap peas have a delicate look compared to the robust lima beans. Once these are tall enough, they will have a trellis to climb. I hope the yield will be good. I'm already mentally ticking off recipes for their yummy goodness.

Not to be forgotten are the Kentucky Wonder green beans. Isn't it cute how they look like a green bean fairy ring? They have also grown quite a bit since they sprouted. Just a few more days and the vines may begin to climb the poles. We've had plenty of rain this week, so I haven't had to water yet. I much rather have the rain water for the garden. I hate to put chlorinated water on our garden, but we don't have a rain barrel yet. Maybe soon we can get a barrel and use chemical free water! At any rate, the plants do seem happy!