Monday, April 28, 2008

The Dirty Work

One wheelbarrow at a time! It has been quite a bit of shoveling, but the boxes are filled. Jason did most of the hard labor, but there were several large clumps of soil that I broke up as he filled the wheelbarrow. I used my trusty "Claw" for this (most people know this as the three pronged cultivators). Once he dumped the dirt in the beds, I used the rake to smooth and level it. It took us 36 loads to get all four beds filled. We over-filled the beds just a little since the soil would settle some. Our veggie book recommends waiting a week before planting. As it has rained the last couple of days, this wasn't a problem. By the time the soil has dried out again, it should be well settled into its new home.

It took us two days (working in the evenings) to fill the beds. The picture above shows the beds almost full. We're so excited to be closer to actually planting! Even if we are tired, we're still excited. The critters haven't been too much of a problem with the beds. Although, the Kitty did try to use one as a litter box!